Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday March 31, 1882

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 31, 1882, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Mar 31, 1882 Fitch and I went up to the Academy and he assisted me to tip my picture forward which I think improves its appearance. No more pictures seem to have been sold and I am very doubtful if mine sells. One of the Gifford lawyers called and took my and Hubbards affidavit as to Sanfords regarding his studio as a part of his residence. Went out to lunch with Fitch and his friend Huntington at a chop house in 6th Avenue, but I don't like these places. Painted on my Johnson picture. Eastman came in early in the afternoon and we had a long talk. He seems as full of worry as I am. Likes what I have done and tells me to go on and finish it. Says it will sell even if this man dont want it. Called up at his house with Calvert & Mary and from there I went to call at Mr. Gordons. I am in no mood to go to these rich and flourishing houses but Mr. Gordon is a good friend and a gentleman whose esteem I greatly prize. Came to my room feeling very lonely and unhappy and glad to go to bed and forget my troubles. A letter from Sara full of courage and faith.

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