Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday May 22, 1882

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 22, 1882, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, May 22, 1882 Dismantled my room today preparatory to having it cleaned tomorrow. Carried the pictures out and all the small articles which I wiped off carefully. There seems no end of the things in this room. I got rid of some things which were of no value but still which had some associations connected with them. It costs me a pang to destroy anything I ever had with which dear Gertrude is even remotely connected but I find it is better gradually to put some of these things out of my sight. The room looks bald and bare tonight and not at all like our room. I dont see how people live in bare rooms and yet so many things are a great care. It has rained at intervals but has been warm, so warm that I put on my summer under clothes. I have had to look over many of dear Gertrudes personal belongings, her shawls and her bonnets. I found the Buffalo moths had got into some of the things. I feel less melancholy than I feared I would and as I almost invariably do on coming home in the spring. It is because I am busy and have a Western trip to look forward to. It is necessary to have some engrossing object in life. I am in hopes we can make a sale to Sam CoyKendall and if we can it will be a great relief to me and will give me a feeling of independence to which I have long been a stranger. The Powell made her last regular trip for the season and came in tonight at 8.30.

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