Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday October 22, 1882

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 22, 1882, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Oct 22, 1882 My father drove me out to Mr. Beviers the forenoon of Wednesday 18 and I came in with him last night. The weather has been rainy a part of the time and Thursday night we had a heavy white frost. The color on the hills when I took a walk yesterday is very brilliant. Sara came up from N. Y. by the Powell last night and gave us a full account of Downings progress. He is considered out of danger but does not sit up. Maurice has a place on the Troy Times but he is away from home all day and I have no faith that it will amount to any more than all his other ventures. I wrote to Booth and to Alice. This morning I blacked my stove, put it up and built a fire in it. I have heard most discouraging accounts of Girards conduct. Maurice has been away all day and the domestic outlook is not bright. Maurice is to go to Albany tomorrow but I have not even a faith that he will get there, much less stay. He ought to be told he need not come back here but he will and torment all of us instead of himself alone. I have written to Gussie and told her our anxieties for she asked about Girard in her letter to Sara.

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