Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday October 29, 1882

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 29, 1882, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Oct 29, 1882 It has been a misty day with occasional rain. I walked over to the cemetery after breakfast and it rained before I got back. Wrote to Mary to Lucy and to Prof. Pumpelly from whom I received a letter last night relative to the accounts on our trip. I have put away my summer clothes and looked over some of dear Gertrudes things in her bureau to see if the moths were getting among them. We are all so worried and unhappy about Maurice. How much unhappiness he has caused us for more than twenty years. The servants told us this morning that when they came from the post office at 9 o'clock last night he was lying on the settee on the back porch and Annie said this morning when she went to the room off the sitting room for something he was lying on the lounge, but he disappeared without any of us seeing him and has been away all day, in what wretchedness no one but himself knows. Now as I write I listen to every little noise expecting he will come home in some wretched plight. Sara wrote him last week that I had determined he should not come here any more for my mothers sake; which I greatly regret for I have never assumed the right to say so as long as his father is willing to shelter him. My father told me this fall I could do as I pleased about telling him to go away but I refused to do so, telling him that was for him to determine.

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