Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday August 27, 1883

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, August 27, 1883, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Aug 27, 1883 Calvert and I drove down to Manchesters at Steep Rocks to see Mrs. Columbus Van Deusen for whom he is designing a house. It has been like an October day and this evening we have had a fire in the dining room. I have been at work fixing my sketch box and my umbrella staff all the afternoon. Downing and I are contemplating camping out for a while in Mink Hollow behind the Overlook. We are going out there next week or the latter part of this and if I find the brook interesting as I think it is we will go there for a while. Calvert returned to N. Y. this evening. I wish he could have a little vacation for he so thoroughly enjoys the country. Yesterday I wrote to Miss McCoy of West Virginia to whom I loaned some studies last year and from whom I got a long letter the day I came home. I feel very sorry for the poor girl but could not give her much practical advice. Today I had a letter from Miss Nesmith from Mass.

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