Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday February 5, 1883

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 5, 1883, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Feb 5, 1883 Came down with the noon train. The country is a sheet of ice and our hill dangerous to venture upon. I came down to attend Mrs. Johnsons tea. The train was nearly an hour late and I had all I could do to dress and get up there. Stayed only a short time. The street full of carriages and lots of fashionable people. Every evidence that Eastman is prospering. Mary and Calvert had just gone. After dinner Calvert and I attended Seymour Haden's lecture on etching at Chickering Hall. I was not favorably impressed with it as a whole. There was too much disparagement of line engravers who certainly deserve a place in Art. I thought some of his methods of comparison unfair as for instance showing on a large screen a fragment of an engraved sky with none of its accessories and comparing it with a full etching of landscape. He evidently does not know every thing and is like so many, one sided.

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