Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday March 7, 1883

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 7, 1883, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Mar 7, 1883 Fuller came in bringing the picture of mine he bought at Auction. I told him I would paint on it. He saw the picture on the easel, which I really am painting in hopes he would buy it. He spoke in praise of it and I told him laughingly I was painting it for him. He did not like a half fallen tree I had in the foreground and I myself was inclined to paint it out. He has some crude ideas but still he has his likings some of which I sincerely respect--for instance I can see that he recognizes character in the landscape and wants it to look like some place. Finally he asked my price. I told him my price was a thousand dollars but if he wanted it I would sell it to him without frame for $500. I hated to do this, but feeling the imperative need of selling I concluded to make the sacrifice. He did not decide but said it was cheap and I think is inclined to accept. He insists upon paying me to work upon his smaller picture which I told him the other day I would not charge him for. After he was gone I painted the tree out and put in a birch in a different position and I am glad I did it. In the evening went around to the Century and met with Perry, Beard, Bristol, Wm. Hart, and Jas Smillie and Wood to consider the Rotary scheme. Perry presented a draft of a constitution and we did nothing more than to discuss the plan.

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