Thursday November 29, 1883
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 29, 1883, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Thursday, Nov 29, 1883 Thanksgiving day. I worked all day in my studio upon the little portrait of my mother which I want to send her, Lucy, for Christmas and also one painted from the one I painted after her death. Calvert came up and arrived here while we were at dinner. Girard and his wife and Jamie, Gussie, Mary, Sara, my father, Calvert and I made up our family dinner party. I could hardly keep back the tears as I thought of the three prominent members of our family who once used to gather here with us but would never come again, Dear Gertrude, Maurice and my mother. Still we tried to keep from sad thoughts and in the main our dinner was a cheerful one. Sara, my father, Girard & (Nannie) went to Kingston and heard Mr. Van Slyke preach.
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