Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday August 18, 1884

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, August 18, 1884, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Aug 18, 1884 Another hot day. Orrin and I went about a mile up the main stream to the high falls brook, he after blackberries and I to examine the stream. I clambered up to the top of the falls through a thicket which had been burned over and was nearly suffocated with the heat. There I struck a road, having left Orrin, which I followed back to the main stream, went up it a long distance but found nothing of much interest. Then I came back to the house and got my box and at 11 oclock got back to work on a subject I selected on Saturday. But I am not much interested and have about decided to go home. I feel very unsettled and disappointed that I do not find more picturesque material here. If I go home I will be equally discontented. At dinner I told them I thought I would go home and Orrin and I went to see a man about taking me to Shokan tomorrow. He could not go and so I concluded to remain a few days longer. Towards evening the man sent word he would like to take me out but I concluded to stay perhaps until the end of the week. I presume tomorrow I will wish I had gone. The truth is I ought never to go away without a companion but I find myself now without any one I care to go with. The people here are very kind and if I could only find things to interest me as I did last fall I would be contented. It grows more and more of a problem where to go each year, and I find myself more and more lonely the moment I get away from home.

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