Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday August 9, 1884

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, August 9, 1884, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Aug 9, 1884 Another grey day and almost too cool for sitting out on the piazza in the evening. We all went over to Girards this evening. John & Nannie, Julia Dillon and Mary Vaux were there at tea. Calvert came up on the Powell. Finally Griffiths has paid my father $250 on the Turck lot and I have decided to go on Tuesday. He gave me the check which I sent to my bank in New York. I sent my check to the Century for my dues $36 and also check for my interest due July 1st to Sam Coykendall $13.50. Brought my colors and painting materials over from my studio and packed my trunk. Do not want to take too many things as the road is rough. Our people are to start on their mountain ride the same morning (Tuesday) and the house will be left with the servants. I expect to be very lonely out there but if I can find work to interest me I will try to be contented. John McEntee thinks he may come out. I read in my diary today the record of my dear mothers death. It saddens me to go back to these sad scenes which perhaps I ought to try to forget. Rather I hope to grow reconciled to them and to be able to think of them without sorrow. But always when I am going away from home I have a feeling of sadness, a feeling I suppose incidental to every little change we make.

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