Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday December 15, 1884

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 15, 1884, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Dec 15, 1884 I saw this notice of Mr. Butlers death this morning (Saturday). I went home, and was greatly shocked by it although I feared he would hardly live through the winter. I wrote a note to Mrs. Butler expressive of my sorrow. He was an old and sincere friend and his death is another loss to me. I went home by 4 o'clk train. Up towards Haverstraw the fields were white with snow and at home it looked very wintry. My father did not seem quite so well but I and Sara also thought it was a little indigestion. I hardly went out of doors all day Sunday. It was a grey day and the wintry landscape was soothing and quieting to me. I talked with my father and I think cheered him a great deal. In the evening Sara went up to Kingston with the Lawtons, & Natalie Anderson to a spiritual seance. She had been a week ago and much was promised this time. I walked with her down to Geo. Stevens' where the rest of the party met her. She did not get home until near midnight. Meanwhile it had snowed and then rained and froze. The whole thing was most unsatisfactory and she said she did not want to go again. I came down this morning by 8 oclk train. To my great satisfaction I have found out the trouble with my stove and now it works perfectly. I called up at Jim Warrens in the evening but he and his wife had gone to Paterson to see Mrs. Barber, his sister so I came back to the club and wrote to Sara what Mary had told me [?] Joe having gone up to Yonkers and burdened poor Downing with his grievances. I cannot imagine a more unhappy man than Joe seems to be simply because he is determined to carry his own ends if possible.

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