Friday January 18, 1884
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 18, 1884, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, Jan 18, 1884 Warmer and thawing. Girard and I stopped in at the Art Union and he was appointed Honorary Secretary for Rondout. The Journal is out and is very creditable. I had Mary, Mrs. Anderson and Miss Nesmith at lunch in my studio today. They all seemed to enjoy it very much as I certainly did. I am to make a drawing of my picture "Over the Hills" in the Art Union for the Journal. Girard and I went to the Grand Opera house to see Lawrence Barrett in Francesca da Rimini by Boker. It proved to be a very interesting play and was received with great interest by an immense audience. Barret was satisfactory but he can never be great. Skinner took the part of Paolo with spirit and good taste, and Miss Wainwright as Francesca was satisfactory except for some awkward poses. Mr. Louis James as Pepe was interesting. The play was well set and the costumes fine, but the soldiers as always, like coal heavers.
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