Sunday March 23, 1884
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 23, 1884, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Sunday, Mar 23, 1884 I did not go home yesterday having to meet the committee on Mr. Gordons reception last night. Mary and I went to Mr. Williams (Dr Bellows) Church. Mrs. Garnhill invited us to her pew. Mr. Williams is a young man and seems much liked by the congregation. While he impressed me favorably I was not inclined to be enthusiastic over him. One is always given such bad air to breathe in churches that I had all I could do to keep awake. Am reading Terginoffs Liza and am much impressed with his terse and graphic style. Came to my room a short time after dinner and on my return called on Marbury who begins to use his broken leg. Spent a pleasant half hour with him. He is always interesting. In the evening Calvert and I went to a concert at the Casino. It was raining and pouring when we came home but we walked all the way down in spite of it. Ovid Musin played the violin very nicely. Mrs Belle Coles singing seemed crude and not very refined.
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