Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday October 6, 1884

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 6, 1884, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Oct 6, 1884 Put some of the pine needles on a part of the new strawberry bed as an experiment. I wonder who will eat the first of this bed to which I have given so much care. Looked up barrels and boxes for the apples which we are going to gather and worked hard and got very hot. Just as we had finished dinner Maj. Wilkinson came in having been out to Chichesters. He took some of our delicious watermelons from our own garden and we smoked a cigar on the front porch until 3 oclock when he left for home. Tom has begun gathering the apples and the two little boys who helped with the cherries also helped a part of the afternoon. Mr. Mason our grocer has engaged 16 barrels at 1.50 each he furnishing barrels and a man is coming tomorrow to negotiate for all we have. I am given up now to these things and can scarcely think of my art. It is wrong but I cannot help myself. I have felt troubled and distressed that it is so. Tired as I was this evening I read in Taylors life & letters and have nearly finished the first volume--to the building and occupancy of Cedarcroft. He was young then but he lived to see that it was a mistake and that it tempered his whole after life. What a resource is an interesting book.

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