Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday September 5, 1884

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, September 5, 1884, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Sept 5, 1884 An extremely hot day. Mary and Marion went back to N. Y. for the season although Marion expects to come back again in about ten days. They took Bessie their servant with them to Marys great satisfaction. We are always so sorry to lose Mary and my father could not bear to have her go. I miss her very much she is so companionable, cheerful and at the same time so sympathetic. I wrote to Mr. Bachelder. This afternoon I finished reading dear Gertrudes letters to Gussie and now I have not that to look forward to. It seemed so like being at least in the same world with her. Such sincere, unaffected letters, such a reflex of her lovable, hopeful, genuine nature. What a blessing is her memory to me always. Always a satisfaction and never any thing in her life to regret or to wish changed. She so often speaks of me and the trial it is to her to ever be separated from me. She could be happy anywhere with me. Dear, loving woman. How has she blessed and sweetened my whole life. I gathered some of the seeds in the garden for next year. Cucumbers, beans, Nasturtiums and cut and strung the okra to dry. I keep from being sad most of the time and try not to be troubled, and when I succeed in that I count it a gain. If one could only avoid looking into the future. The Tribune today announced the death of Judge Folger Secretary of the Treasury. Joseph Marten died in Yonkers a day or two ago and Mrs. Decker came up to tell us he is to be buried in Wiltwyck cemetery tomorrow about noon.

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