Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday April 12, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 12, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Apr 12, 1885 I read the most of Mrs. Custers book again much of it to Sara and found it most entertaining both from its intrinsic interest as well as from the gentle and devoted love for her husband which [?] through it. Sara after dinner went down to see poor old Aunt Ann. I think she feels they are not doing the wisest things for her. Mary and Girard came over to tea and in the evening I read from Mrs. Custers book to Sara, after they were gone, which she finds most interesting. It has been cold and raw but the birds are singing and trying to make the best of it. Tom has made some of the garden and planted some peas. I have felt a serener feeling this time than for weeks before, because my worldly prospects promise a little better. A lady to whom I lent a study called on Saturday to return it and made inquiries concerning my taking pupils. She thought it an excellent opportunity and has spoken about it to the pupils with whom she is studying.

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