Sunday August 16, 1885
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, August 16, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Sunday, Aug 16, 1885 Still the North wind and the October air. Last night I was really chilly and slept under two blankets and drew on my sick coverlid before morning. Have been oppressed with a melancholy feeling all day and have thought of my dear Gertrude and missed her as I shall never cease to miss her to the end of my life. Have only read the Sunday papers and a little in Taines "Italie"[.] John, Nannie and Gertrude Tremper came up this evening and John and I talked about going trout fishing up at the head of the Rondout at Hills mill. He cannot get away just now and I do not want to go before I hear from some of my clients, but I begin to have a longing to be at work as I ought to be, I think of the mountain brooks but dread the loneliness if I have to go with no companion. There seems little for me to do at home now and I grow restless when I am not definitely at work.
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