Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday December 17, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 17, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Dec 17, 1885 Have just returned from home where I went last Sunday morning. Saturday evening I attended the Annual dinner of the New York Canoe Club at the Hotel Hungarian. Came near being left on [?day] as there had been a change in the time-table. [?] station. Found my father quite feeble. He had not [?] and seems not inclined to sit up, complaining of dizziness when [he?] does. Brays law suit was to have been called on Tuesday. I have [?] there ever since waiting to testify, which I was not called upon [to do?] until late this afternoon and I came down with the 7.25 train [arriving?] here at 10.30. I find no word from Detroit as I expected to. My [?] pictures have come back from Philadelphia, "Clouds" and "Over the [Hills"?] so that my room is pretty well lumbered up again. I left my father sitting up but I am very anxious about him for he seems to have [lost?] all desire to leave his room and even leaves his bed reluctantly.

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