Sunday December 6, 1885
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 6, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Sunday, Dec 6, 1885 It was very cold in my room last night and I slept cold. It is very difficult to warm my great room when it is occupied only once a week. Gustavus Swan and his wife visited here at home last week and Mrs. Davis was with Sara several days. Our nice little Alderney [?] was taken away by the butcher yesterday having grown old and useless for milk, so that now we have but one cow left for which I am thankful. I am gradually going to get rid of such cares. Went down to the barn and looked about and attended to various little duties. My father did not come down stairs. Girard and his wife and Jimmy came over for the evening and we sat up in my fathers room most of the time. I had a letter from Lucy and read two very interesting ones from her to Sara. Mr. Bray called about his [?] and [?] meeting Wednesday night.
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