Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday February 18, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 18, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Feb 18, 1885 Snowed in the night and all forenoon. Sara came to see my pictures. A letter from Mr. Steese of Boston. Thinks he does not care for the study an outline of which I sent him. Wrote him he could have my picture "An Autumn walk" 15x18 for $200 without a frame. I presume this will end in nothing as such things invariably do with me. There is always a struggle with me in such cases between trying to get something like a decent price and the desire to sell a picture. I dont think it wise to make too sweeping concessions. People are apt to hold you at something like the estimation you hold yourself; but it seems so difficult to sell at any price that I feel I ought to avail myself of every chance. My picture is not dry enough to work on and I am idle today and thus there is room for worries. I went to the Water Color exhibition this morning for an hour. It was snowing and I was the only person there. There are many clever things but nothing which makes a strong impression. Sara and I went to the Madison Square Theatre and saw the "Private Secretary" broad farce it seemed to me. I had never been to a play in this theatre before. Judge & Mrs. Monell were there and they had taken Marion and Bowyer. After the play they asked us all around to their lodging house in 18th St where we had some refreshments.

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