Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday February 19, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 19, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Feb 19, 1885 The weather continues very cold and there is sleighing in the city. I have worked a little on my Katahdin picture but it is not dry enough to do much. Vanderliss gave me an order to get $150 worth of goods at Union Adams. I got about $50 worth and he seemed disappointed I had not got more, so I gave Sara an order to get what she wished. She selected about $50 worth and as they did not send them she stopped in to ask the reason. They said Mr. Adams had not been in yet. They have not been sent and so I conclude Vanderliss credit is not good. I am glad to feel it was at his solicitation not mine. I heard a great outcry in the street and looking out of my window I saw a policeman run after and capture a young man and then strike him several times. Poor wretch. I pitied him although perhaps he is used to such a life. Sara came over this afternoon and we talked of dear Gertrude and our life here, through so many years and we both spoke of the sweet memory she is to us and to every one who ever knew her. Sara and I went up to 45th St to call upon Miss Noxon. She was out but we saw Mrs. Butler. We walked back to 18th St. and I went around to the club and read one of Prof. Fiskes papers on "Manifest Destiny" in which he takes the ground that civilization tends to universal peace and that finally there will be no more wars and the English speaking races will be masters of the world.

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