Tuesday February 24, 1885
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 24, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Tuesday, Feb 24, 1885 Sara and I went home Saturday by the 4 oclock train. Mary and Calvert were up there. My father did not seem much improved and is quite despondent again. We were shocked to hear that Mrs. Lester[?] had died and been buried since we left last Monday. She left an infant which survives her. Sunday morning was very cold, the mercury down to zero. Sara found a letter from Charlie and Mary one from Laura, which has caused us all great trouble. We cannot doubt they were dictated by Joe. I am getting out of all patience with him for making so much trouble. He has no right to so worry us and his children. For them we all have the greatest charity, but he is constantly putting himself farther and farther beyond the hope of any interest in him on our part. Calvert and I took a walk through Ludlums Woods and back by the Roatina road. In the afternoon we drove out taking Mary Calvert and the three little boys, Charlie, Girard and Dwight going by the Saugerties road and returning by the Flat-bush road. Fred Norton and Annie went up with us Saturday and are staying at Johns. John is sick in bed. Calvert and I called there Sunday returning from our walk. Monday I went down town and had my hair cut and saw the ruins of the Sampron Opera House covered with ice. When I came back I stopped to see how John was and also called to inquire about Mr. Willis who is ill. Then I moved the dining room Franklin out and Tom and I burned the chimney out. I dreaded this. The flue was very foul and burned like a furnace, but we watched it carefully and got through it successfully, although each year it gets to be more and more of a dread to me. I also got a new faucet for the cider barrel and spent a good part of the day drawing off the cider as the barrel leaked. I shall not bother with cider another year. I mean to cut off all the worries I can. My father I think improves a little but he is very feeble and helpless and besides is much depressed. Calvert and I came away in the 7.15 train but it was behind time and did not leave until nearly 8. We went to the Century about 11 and had a Welchrarebit, most imprudently. We left Poor Sade with a headache and I feel sad to come away. This morning I have a headache which I richly deserve. I wanted to work today but it is impossible. I always suffer from any such imprudence. I found a letter here from Mr. Steese declining my offer to let him have my picture for $200 paying me $100 now and the balance a year from now and in a round-a-bout way offering me $130 for the picture. Heaven knows I want $130 badly enough but my professional pride revolts at this humiliation and I decline it. The weather has been steadily cold ever since a week ago last night and is still very cold. I found here a box from Charlie containing 304 yards of birch bark braid all of it seemingly very nice except one lot of 80 yards which was not quite up to the standard apparently. I have sent it to Mr. Dunlap. Have sat in my chair most of the day feeling very miserable. I did paint a while on my picture but I might better have let it alone. After dinner I felt better. Mary came down from Rondout. In the evening went up to Julia Dillons to her "Faust" reading with commentary by Mr. Snyder. He seems to find a great deal in it which never occurred to me.
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