Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday February 7, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 7, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Feb 7, 1885 I received a short note from Alice telling me [her] mother is very low and her symptoms are very alarming. I wish [I?] could go on for Mrs. Sawyer has repeatedly expressed a wish [to?] see me. I actually have not the money for my fare there and [?] I have asked Eastman Johnson to go up with me tomorrow. This I could arrange but I am troubled about my father. [I?] have a conviction I shall never see Mrs. Sawyer again and even now as I write she may have been released from all her [trials?]. I feel so troubled today about many things that the look ahead seems full of weariness. I sent my picture of the Winter Sunset to the Century and so much depends upon its success and I am so afraid that I will feel disappointed when I see it there that I dread to go there this evening. Went to the club in the evening. There was not a very full meeting but an unusual number of artists. My picture looked I thought as well as in my room. I had never seen it by gas light before. Several spoke to me about it in commendation. Perry said it was the only sunset sky he ever saw that did not look painty. Ware the architect told me he thought it a noble picture and that it impressed him greatly. Wood said it looked even better than in my studio and alltogether I feel much encouraged.

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