Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday January 24, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 24, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Jan 24, 1885 It snowed last night when I came from the club and like all the storms this winter has ended in rain. There was a fine mist when I went to breakfast. Julia went back to Baltimore this morning. I am to go home and am going over to Marys to lunch. I left my letter to Laura with her to read. This is our dear mothers birth day and she would have been 79 years old. Dear Mother. I love to think of her in her unbounded sympathy and unselfishness. I always hoped to be able to make life easy for her and I was able to do something in that direction but not the half I wished to. I wonder if she and Gertrude and Gussie and Maurice are together and if they are happy and free from all sorrow. I hope and try to believe they are. I am sad enough and often wish the struggle were over and I were with them for there must be some final house where all sorrow ends. [I] went home today. There is very good sleighing up there and Tom met me with the sleigh. After my father retired I told Sade my plan for taking pupils. She thought it an excellent idea and we discussed it late into the evening.

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