Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday July 1, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 1, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, July 1, 1885 Sara and I started at 5 o'clock yesterday morning for Wilbers in Mink Hollow. The morning promised fairly, but before we reached Woodstock where we breakfasted the wind blew a gale from the North. We reached Wilbers at 10 oclock and leaving our horse there we went directly up the stream, having a lunch with us, and by 11 o'clock I was at work on the sketch I came out to make. After I had finished it we walked up to our camp of two years ago, and coming down I caught a few trout. The wind howled through the valley and after we got back to the house it was so cold I was obliged to go out to the kitchen fire to get warm. The wind lulled in the night but has blown most of the day today, though not nearly so violently. We went to the same place on the stream after breakfast and I made another sketch. We had our dinner at 1 and left at 2 for home coming by way of the Sawkill road and the new reservoir and crossing the Kingston creek at the ford reached home at 6. The wind was with us a great part of the way and we were covered with dust but we had a pleasant trip in spite of the wind. Found a telegram from Fuller wanting me to meet him at my studio today which Mary answered telling him I was absent for a couple of days. Also a letter from Royal Reed not at all decisive. I think I will have to go up there, also a note from Mr. Kenyon.

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