Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday July 15, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 15, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, July 15, 1885 Picked the late cherries over near my studio and on the little tree down in front of the house, after which I drove my father, Sara and Mary out for a ride, first down town where I did some errands then by the old Steep Rocks road to the Flat-bush hill and home by the Alms House to dinner. It has been a lovely still and comfortably cool day. After dinner I took Robbie Burns by appointment up to the two thirty train where I met Mr. & Mrs. Cantine who took charge of him to his new home in Saugerties. He went off in good spirits, I presume a ride on the train being a great novelty to him. There was a throng of people at the station going out to the mountains, filling five cars on the N & D road. Mary and I drove up to meet Alice who came in the 6.10 train with her two little children Bella and Gertrude to spend a month with us.

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