Thursday July 23, 1885
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 23, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Thursday, July 23, 1885 Genl. Grant died peacefully this morning about 8 o'clock and it was known about instantly over the whole earth. For integrity of character, Fidelity, self control, sincerity and simplicity of purpose, to my mind the greatest man of modern times. I learned step by step thoroughly to believe in him and all the clamor of political adversaries and the cruel criticisms of those who were once his friends never for a moment shook my faith in the fundamental integrity of his character. I think an universal feeling of sorrow possesses the whole nation and a sympathy and admiration for his heroic bearing under suffering which is unprecedented. Mary is ill today and this evening we called Dr. Chalker to see her and little Gertrude. We were all over at Girards this evening and John, Nannie, Annie Lee and Esther also. The moonlight evenings are glorious. We had a ride this forenoon down town round by the river road and back through Kingston taking my father, Julia, Alice and little Gertrude.
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