Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday June 20, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 20, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, June 20, 1885 Am "dog tired" tonight. Was up at half past five. Got Girards hose and attached it to mine and gave the flower garden a good drenching. After breakfast led the hose into the garden and spent the whole forenoon watering the vegetable garden picking the strawberries besides. After dinner drove my father out. We went to Rondout doing some errands then crossed the South Rondout ferry and went around by Capt. Andersons where I stopped to leave the "buttermilk jug" and home by the Sleightburgh. It was pretty warm and very dusty and a strong South wind blew. We need rain very much these hot winds having dried up the earth. We got home at half past four when I took little Robbie Burns into the wagon and drove down town and got him a new pair of shoes and three pairs of stockings. The poor child seemed to respect himself more at once after getting out of his miserable old shoes and ragged stockings. I believe I could make something out of this boy if I could afford to keep him here. Calvert, Mary and Marion came by the Powell, and were delighted to get here. The letter I sent to Booth at the Albemarle came back today, so he had gone, probably to Newport.

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