Wednesday June 24, 1885
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 24, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Wednesday, June 24, 1885 Went to N. Y. by 6.15 train. A cool delicious morning. Got there a little after 9 and went directly to Rocks to try on my coat and came back with the 10.20 train arriving here at 1.10. It has been a charming day and I can hardly realize that I have been to N. Y. and back and had half the day at home. After dinner went over to my studio and cut some birch bark for braid for a lighter hat which I want Dunlap to make to see if it will not be more desirable. Mrs Lawton had her garden party at Fairview today. I had previously sent my regrets. Girard, his wife and Marion went. Joe Tomkins was to have been married to Miss Odell today. We only know of it in a general way. I wonder if the reflection that he had deliberately alienated himself and his children from all of us is a satisfactory one. The whole matter on his part has been so unwise and unnecessary, but I dont think he is capable of appreciating his own folly.
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