Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday June 5, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 5, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, June 5, 1885 I awoke with a head ache and feeling very badly but got up and stirred about. It was raining, but held up during the forenoon when I went to the hot bed and took up the Nasturtiums and drove over to the cemetery with them and the other plants and set them out, Port[?] having prepared them and the other plants as I instructed him. It was an excellent day for it and I am glad it is accomplished as it has rained a considerable since and they will have a nice start. Girard brought me a batch of letters from the office at dinner time, one from Mrs. Stoddard inviting me to dine with them today to meet E. P. Roe and Hamilton Gibson. One from Miss Noxon, a note from Eastman Johnson, several business notes and a long letter from Charlie Osman written May 30 enclosing a note to him from Joe in which he wishes him to discontinue his business connection with me in the birch braid as it is disagreeable to him to have any of my affairs brought to his notice. Was ever any thing more childish. Charlie evidently sees the absurdity of the whole thing just as any man of common sense would and was written at length to show me the difficulty of his position and telling me that if I did not reply he will not misinterpret my silence. I expected this somewhat for I think one can always count on Joe to do the foolish thing, but it places me in an awkward position [with?] [Mr?] Dunlap. However I must face the difficulty and if I can find no one to take Charlies place must give up the enterprise. This letter of Joes closes my connection with him and ends all efforts to conciliate him. I think there is no use trying to have relations with a man capable of so poor and mean a revenge, for entirely [fancied?] injuries, as this. I shall not answer Charlies letter. He evidently hopes I will not think it necessary. I wrote to Eastman[,] sent amount of my bill to Clark & Cahill, sent for paper for my fathers room from specimens sent me by mail, wrote to Mrs. Stoddard and also to Mary enclosing Joes and Charlies letters. My head ache passed off almost entirely by dark, and my carbuncle seems to be getting along well.

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