Friday March 20, 1885
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 20, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, Mar 20, 1885 Colder than ever this morning, so that you find people rubbing their ears in the street. It seemed to me as cold as any morning of the winter. The cold weather has been pretty constant since Feb 1st[.] Painted the sky over in my picture which I worked yesterday and hope it is better. Mary came over to the studio having received another letter from Joe Tomkins who is here in New York again. I never saw a more persistent and troublesome man than he is. Charity compels me to think he is not in his right mind but I cannot understand a sane man doing what he does. I wish he could see the trouble he is causing not only our family but his own children. Downing was at dinner and he and I went to the Casino to see "die Fledermaus" in which Will Hopper takes a part. I was not very much entertained. There was no very fine singing and only tolerable acting. Downing went to Yonkers and I walked down to my studio against a strong wind and piercing cold. It is astonishing how cold it remains. We are having severe winter weather.
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