Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday March 31, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 31, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Mar 31, 1885 Awoke again with a bad feeling in my head and have been wretched. Took Nux Vomica with apparently no effect. Received a letter from a firm of Art dealers in Detroit saying there was a person out there who wanted one of my pictures. The letter seemed to have been mailed here. I wrote them I had a twilight 15x18 for $300 from which they could take a reasonable commission and an oblong November 14x26 for 400. It looks as though they want me to send out a picture on the possibility of finding a purchaser, which I will not do now. I however did not say so and will see what they answer to my letter. Eastman Johnson called. The first time I have seen him in two months I think. He made a long call and I only wished he could stay longer as I could not work as I wished to today. Fuller came in the afternoon and gave me his check for $500 and the receipt for their bill of papering for $504.58. He wants Warren to buy something from me and thinks he will get him here tomorrow. He thinks it very probable he will buy the two smaller pictures, Twilight & Snow. He seems quite devoted to my interests. I did not attempt to work but my head felt better towards evening just as it did yesterday. Calvert and I attended a party at Mrs. Morse's where I met many old friends and acquaintances, Mr & Mrs. Junius[,] Henri Browne, Mrs Holden, Mrs. Runkle, Miss Curtis, Mr & Mrs. Platt and others. I was also introduced to Edwd. Eggleston. It rained just as we reached there and again slightly as we left.

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