Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday March 6, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 6, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Mar 6, 1885 I dined at Mr Chas Akers last evening with Julia Dillon, Mrs. Carter and Rouse. They live in the Morell building where Gifford first lived after his marriage and their apartment is a fac simile of his. I had an agreeable evening. He is a brother of Paul Akers the sculptor and draws in Crayon. I became acquainted with him and his wife through Julia Dillon. Began a new picture today 20x24 but it is not very good so far. Emma Brace called and shortly after Fuller came in. He did not seem to care for my cliff picture which I rather hoped he would buy but was greatly taken with one of my wood interiors I recently painted. I hope he will buy it. He staid a long time and seemed really to want the picture. He asked me to his room this evening to see one of Inness' pictures he has recently bought and I went after dinner. I very much liked the Inness picture which seemed to me one of the best of his later works. He also had a small picture by Church and another picture by Inness in 1864, with a fine sky and painted in a more careful manner. He referred again to my picture he saw in my room and said he wanted to sell it for me, either to Warren or to take it himself.

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