Sunday May 10, 1885
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 10, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Sunday, May 10, 1885 The weather is cold and we keep up good fires in the Franklins. My father came down stairs and looked remarkably well. Calvert and I took a long walk out towards the Roatina beyond where Girard and I went last Sunday. After dinner Sam Coykendall and his wife came up and also Mr. Welch. Mrs. Coykendall frankly told Mary and Sara that now she had given her consent for Sam to talk with us for the purchase of our place, as her father had refused to sell them the place where they live and said a great deal to convince them that they will buy our place if we will sell it reasonably. We are all most deeply interested and sincerely hope it may be brought about. Calvert and I consulted the map and have agreed upon a price viz -- a strip 250 wide on Holmes St. running back to Chestnut St next to Marys line, including Horse barn etc $25,000 for an addition of 150 ft on Chestnut St running to a point on Holmes St $5000 additional. I have consulted my father and he is perfectly agreed to those prices and added that if he wanted to buy that he thought I ought not to fail to sell, showing that he would be willing to take even less to effect a sale. He has told me two or three times and again today that whatever I do he will acquiesce in. If we could sell at this price which Calvert and I consider a reasonable one, and one which we ought to adhere to very closely, it seems to me it would give me new life and courage, relieving me of so great a weight of responsibility and anxiety that I am sure we would all be happier. My father who I feared would make objections to any change during his life time, I am happy to say favors it. He told me he had been worried and troubled about our affairs, but I told him not to be anxious, that I was abundantly able to take care of him and that I would bear all the anxieties. Now I think Sam will come to see me and I hope we can come to an agreement very soon. I sent an advertisement for pupils to the Art Interchange on Saturday, but I keep hoping I will get no applications. If we make this change it would settle all that. Meanwhile new trouble comes from the direction of Hillsboro. Laura has written a most outrageous and cruel letter to Sara, charging her with calumny and a lack of respect for Gussie. Calvert and I have advised her not to notice it, assured that Laura will bitterly regret her unkindness. I think Joe is so worrying them all that they take a most morbid view of and distort every thing. If they only had the wisdom to keep quiet. Calvert and I took a similar view of the situation and urged the unwisdom of Sara replying or attempting to defend herself against such unjust and cruel accusations. It seems so much more cruel, now on the very eve of the Anniversary of dear Gussies death and in view of all that Sara has done for Laura and for all of them.
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