Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday May 7, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 7, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, May 7, 1885 Showery and cool. Have a fire in my stove. Went to the [dentists?] and from there to Dunlaps who had sent me word that [he?] had a new style of the Milinoket to show me. We and Mr. Bal[?] thought it a decided success. It is made after my directions, a neglige and is infinitely ahead of any other they have made. They are going to make up about 40, all the braid they have and [put?] them in their two store windows and see how they take. They [are?] much interested and think they will be a success. Talked about [getting?] a supply of braid for next year and have every faith that [they?] will prove a novelty and a desirable one. I am much encouraged. Came to my room and wrote a long letter to Charlie in which I gave him a detailed account of my interview. I think he will be pleased. Downing came in and I told him all about it. He [seems?] well and happy. I wrote to Maj. Wilkinson yesterday and to Mrs. [?]. Vint of Albany sent me a check of $150 for my portfolio of engravings I bought at the sale of Vanderlyns collection which dear Gertrude and I arranged for the sale. I was going to a reception at the American Art Galleries this evening at which the prizes were to be dis[tributed?] but it rained violently and I forgot my keys and was obliged to [come?] back to my room for them about 9 o'clock. I bought a copy of the [?] on my way and remained in my room and read some of the interesting war papers, Genl Smiths (Confederate) account of the second day at [?] Pines, Genl Mc Clellans account of the Peninsular Campaign and [?] sketch of Grant.

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