Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday November 11, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 11, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Nov 11, 1885 Sara and I attended Genl. Smiths funeral at 2 oclock this afternoon from the house. We looked at him in his coffin and saw for the last time this active energetic man who has lived in Kingston for sixty years and who has been influential in the history of the place. I was struck with the idea of the passing of time as I looked upon the grey bearded men who came in and whom I had known as young men as Mr. Fitch, Cornelius Van Gaasbeck, Jansen Hasbrouck, Elijah Dubois, [Simon?] Westbrook, Mr. Lindsley and others. The clergyman, (Mr Noyes I think) dwelt upon his busy life, his activity and integrity and his influence for good. After the funeral we drove out on Albany Avenue and called at Clearwaters but they were not at home. We drove to Mrs. Costellos beyond the Alms house and engaged a turkey for Thanksgiving and then went as far as the top of Flat-bush hill and came home by the Alms house and the low road by the Catholic Cemetery. Nannie came up and remained to tea as John was in N. Y. After tea and when my father had retired we all went to call at Cantines but they were out and we went home with Nannie. John came home shortly after. I had a note from Lambdin who sent me a notice of the Landscapes in the Philadelphia Exhibition in which my picture "Clouds" and Richards picture were designated as the two representative landscapes for simplicity and directness of aim and for the expression of what the authors intended in them. I confess it was a gratification to be thus singled out in an exhibition of selections from all schools and representing the work of the various and leading American Artists.

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