Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday November 12, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 12, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Nov 12, 1885 The last of my skirmishing on the roof, I trust occurred today. I cleaned out the dirt the Mason left in the vallies and took down the scaffolds used in shingling. Then I went over to my studio and made a sketch of the twilight sky I saw from the roof more than a week ago succeeding better than I feared I would. Afterwards I went on the roof of my house and fastened the lightning rods which had got loose and seeing that the tin roofing needed repainting I had Larsen, who is painting Girards house, do it this afternoon. When I go to examine one [?] I find half a dozen others and I get discouraged when I know I have to do it all. I had a talk with Tom yesterday whose year is up on the 16th and who wants to hire by the month hereafter and we agreed upon twenty five dollars a month, which is more than I can afford but still is the best I can do. Tom and I tried to haul the pump out of the old well but it was too heavy and I pulled and lifted more than I should have done. After dinner the weather being mild my father, Sara and I took a ride. Poor old Billy seemed very stiff and slow. We called for Nannie but she could not go. Then we drove down Tom to the harness makers to see about some blankets I am having fixed for the horses in the stable on cold nights and called for Mrs. Davis to go with us, but she had neuralgia and did not want to go out. We drove to Wiltwyck Cemetery, my father wishing to see where Genl Smith was buried. At the entrance to the Cemetery we met the Genl's daughter and Mrs Smith and two other ladies. Mrs. S. was in a cloud of crape and looked lugubrious enough. Why are people so persistent in so dismal a custom. Yesterday at the funeral every thing was done to make the occasion as dismal as possible. The blinds were all closed and a gas jet was lighted in the room where the General lay. If ever one wants the sunlight and all cheerful things I should think it would be on such occasions.

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