Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday November 2, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 2, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Nov 2, 1885 A furious North East rain storm was raging this morning, and the rain was leaking in the wing. I took the lantern after breakfast and went in under the roof and marked all the leaks and then putting on old clothes and my rubber coat got a lot of shingles and climbed about on the rotten, slippery roof and mended the bad spots. It seemed absolutely necessary that the wing should be shingled this fall and little money as I have I determined to do it. I went down to Turcks lumber yard and arranged for the shingles and then went up to Terrys new house and engaged Mantustock to send men Wednesday to put them on. The water ran into the kitchen and cellars but my timely deepening the drain a while ago carried it off so that when the rain ceased about noon I had the satisfaction of seeing that the water ran off as fast as it came in. But oh the worries on every hand. Every where I turn something to be attended to and I wished in my want we could sell the poor old home and have some immunity from all these cares. Sara drove out after dinner to Wilbur and to Kingston taking Nannie with her. The funeral of poor little Charley Mayer who was drowned Thursday night occurred from the Baptist Church this afternoon. I pictured him in my mind struggling and crying in the storm and darkness with no one to hear him and it gave me a feeling of intense sadness. I went down and spent an hour or two with John & Nannie after tea. Two years ago tonight our dear Mother lay dead in her room and a new blight of loneliness and sorrow fell upon this saddened household. I have thought of her all through the day in my perplexities and how she used to assume all these troubles and anxieties. Beyond them all now. If we could only know where and how, the ever recurring questioning with no answer but our longings and our hopes.

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