Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday November 25, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 25, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Nov 25, 1885 Still threatening and raining occasionally. I went up to the Academy after breakfast and spent a couple of hours looking at the pictures. I had the satisfaction of seeing the yellow card "Sold" on mine. Mr. Galt told me a gentleman had wanted my "Christmas Eve" in the spring Exhibition but he could not get him to make an offer for it. He said he was coming there and I told him to tell him to come to my studio and look at it. He said he would but he probably wont come. Beatty from Pittsburgh came in and at his request I let him take my little "Upland farm" which he said he would make an effort to sell for me. I let him have it rather reluctantly but he is to send it back whenever I wish. He took it without the frame. Poor Calvert came in. He had been summoned on a coroners Jury to sit upon two bodies now lying dead. He wanted a little money as a bill of his against the Park is audited but not paid. He said I could think of him this afternoon looking at corpses. Calvert is very patient and has many things to try him. I go home for Thanksgiving by 4 o'clock train. The West Shore road was sold yesterday and passed into Vanderbilts hands as I feared it would from the start.

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