Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday November 4, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 4, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Nov 4, 1885 Three carpenters came this morning and went at the shingling of the North wing of the house and nearly completed the North [?] which on account of the two gutters is the most difficult. At ten o'clk I went to Kingston and had my [?] by Dr. Rosa. I inquired about Genl Smith who is ill with Pneumonia and found he was no better and that the Doctor hardly thought last night he would live until morning. After dinner I went up on the roof and helped shingle. I found one of the chimnies in so bad a condition it is likely to fall and I must have it repaired. All of them need repairs but I cannot touch those on the main house because the roof is so bad. I have felt a load of anxiety all day. The thirty first anniversary of our marriage occurred on Monday as well as the anniversary of our mothers death. How differently life presents itself to me from what it did thirty one years ago. The elasticity and hopefulness at times seems all gone and yet after all I feel that I have capacity for great satisfaction and enjoyment if I could only be freed from some of the sordid cares by which I am tormented. I have a feeling that all my ambitions and aims are reasonable and sound and that my life might be made very secure and pleasant if we could only avail ourselves of the benefit of the property we have. The election has gone to the Democrats in spite of the hopes of the Republicans. Hill the Democratic Governor is elected and it is supposed the most of the State ticket, but the legislature is Republican by a good majority, which is not a bad state of affairs. I dont trouble about this. There are no great interests at stake and if we have fairly honest men in office it matters not so much perhaps to which party the [sic] belong just now.

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