Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday October 15, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 15, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Oct 15, 1885 I went out to Shokan by the 7.50 train and got back before noon having spent a couple of hours there. Walked up to [?] and arranged with him to take Calvert and me to board and then tried to walk up along the brook where I used to sketch, but it was so overgrown and so changed that I could not recognise a single spot, the freshets had so torn the place up. I could not go far on account of the high water but I [?] always do at first when I go out to settle down for sketching. The color was very brilliant and I think if Calvert is there with me I can get some sketches, but it seems impossible for me to go there alone. I dont believe I could stay. After I got home I did various things, mending some broken windows and did some repairing of various things. After I got through while I was sitting in the parlor reading Jamie came in and told me the cows had broken out of the pasture and he had brought one of them back and offered to go and look for the other which he did and found her. I went over to the back lot and when I saw the old rotten fences I had a feeling of discouragement and wished I could get rid of the cows and not try to keep so many things which are a care to me. Tom was gone away for the afternoon and I had to chase after the stupid cow until I was nearly exhausted. I have tried to sell her but did not succeed. If I had the money to keep these things I would not mind it but to try to do so much with such limited means is a great trouble. I cut this notice from the Freeman this evening. The Autumn color is late hereabouts. "Gertrudes Tree" is just beginning to turn yellow and the elm in front of my window and the maple are only just beginning to change, but in the mountains there is a great display. I paid the school tax today, my fathers, Calverts and mine.

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