Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday October 18, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 18, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Oct 18, 1885 It has been a warm hazy day with a South wind. Calvert and I took a walk around the cemetery and out to the hill above the High bridge. It has not been a restful day to me and I was too full of warring thoughts to enjoy what beauty there was in the landscape. Sara is to go to Tivoli tomorrow and Calvert and I are not going to Shokan until the afternoon as he has some matters to attend to at the Terry House. We walked down there this afternoon meeting John McEntee on the way who went with us and we went over the house which is getting on towards completion. Frank Waters came there while we were there. He spoke of the taxes and the great expenses of their place (the Ludlums) and said he wished they could sell it and go to a smaller place. The little he said showed me they are in something the same condition we are in, but I said nothing to show we were worried in the same way. I never went away from home so reluctantly to my sketching. The thought of leaving Sara here alone with my father is a great anxiety and I would not go did I not hope to awaken some interest in my Art and to get myself to thinking of my work on which every thing seems to depend now. Calvert and I called at John McEntees this evening. I have finished Taylors Story of Kennett and have been greatly interested. The story is well constructed and holds the attention and interest of the reader all the way through. Joe and Jake Fairthorn however to me are superfluous and not at all amusing, but on the whole it is an interesting story; and many features of it are masterly particularly his delineations of country ways and people and his descriptive passages. The scenes with Sandy Flash are thrilling and dramatic and if written by a stranger I should have pronounced it a successful story.

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