Wednesday September 30, 1885
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, September 30, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Wednesday, Sept 30, 1885 Sara, Harry[,] Julia and I were about to start for a drive to Leggs Mills this forenoon when a patient called and Sara was prevented from going. We took little Dwightie in her place and drove to the strand then by the brick yards and the river road and home by the Flat bush road and Kingston. In Kingston I called on Clearwater the District Attorney to inquire about the suit in which yesterday I was summoned as a witness and found that some one had complained of the villainous steam whistles which Klein and Gurnee[?] blow early in the morning at Port Ewen. I am to go up tomorrow at 2 and will be glad of an opportunity to be questioned regarding the nuisance. After dinner I packed a box of grapes and pears to send to Tom McEntee tomorrow. Mr. Bray called to ask me to be a witness in a case in which he has been sued for refusing to pay for his subscription to a collection of photogravures on the ground that they were inferior to the specimens shown him. I am getting into the laws meshes. It has been hot and dry and I have not inclination to go off the hill. Sara had her usual letter from Lucy.
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