Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday December 22, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 22, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Dec 22, 1886 A pretty busy day. This morning I drove to Rondout and up to Kingston to do many errands and at noon went over to my studio and went to work upon the sign on Chester St which I did not quite finish at half past 4 when I came over to my room to dress in order to be ready to receive Mr. Brace when he came. Miss Forsyth brought him here just before I was ready to go down but Sara received him and I went down shortly after. He seemed delighted with the house and the place and wondered he had never heard more about it. We had dinner at 5 and at 7.15 Tom drove him, Sara and me up to the Academy of Music where the exercises of the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Home took place. There was a large audience. He spoke in a very interesting manner. A Mr. Taine of St. Johns Guild also spoke as did Clearwater. There were exercises by the children, singing by the Kingston Academy Glee Club and music by Goellers band. We got home a little after 10, had a little supper, some cherry bounce a cigar and went to bed at 11.30.

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