Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday December 3, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 3, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Dec 3, 1886 A cold night with strong N. W. wind. I went down to the post office after breakfast and when I returned went over to my studio and painted until 1 oclock on a sketch I made last evening in the sitting room an effect of cool twilight outside and a low dim lamp lighted within. I did not finish it but think I will get a picture out of it. I went up to the station for Sara who came by the 2.20 train. It was very cold. She had had a good time and saw Mrs. Branson who told her how cavalierly Mrs. Thurber treated her. Sara gave her a letter of introduction and wrote her she was a friend of hers and a bright woman. She also went to the Academy and thought it a fine exhibition. She said my picture looked well (the Autumn fields) and the Twilight also. Neither are sold. It makes me feel sadly that my pictures are not mentioned any more and come back to me from the exhibitions. Younger men have come upon the field and we are no longer the vogue. I have seen and painted the landscape in my own way, which is not now a recommendation to favor. One must paint like Rousseau or Daubignie [sic]. I saw in the Post this evening a commendation of a picture by Blakelock as resembling Rousseau. The Hungarian Gypsy band of musicians were to have played in Liscomb Opera House this evening but they failed to come. I had two tickets. It is cold and windy tonight and there are beautiful moonlight effects on the glazed snow which still remains in the fields. I have no desire to go to New York and would rather stay here and paint the things I see all about me.

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