Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday December 9, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 9, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Dec 9, 1886 Sara and I had planned to go out to Mr. Jansens to see about next winters supply of hickory wood. I had Tom put Toby before the little cutter and first drove down to the mail and [?] Stephen Canfield up to take the measure for a copper arrangement for heating water on my stove. We started about 10.30. It was a splendid morning not very cold and with a soft Indian summer atmosphere. We went through Kingston and up the turnpike to Mrs. Keators where we took the mountain road. The snow had nearly all blown off the road and the sleighing was bad. We hoped to find it better under the mountain but were surprised to find so little snow. We finally reached Jansens by skillfully navigating but found he had gone to Kingston. We got some eggs and a half bushel of hickory nuts and started back via Hurley and found the sleighing much better that way. Stopped in Kingston and bought a [?] of partridges and arrived home at 2.30. We met Mr. Jansen in Kingston and he is to get me the wood. We were as hungry as bears at dinner. This evening I wrote a long letter to Julia at Zurich. the night is splendid and the moon nearly full.

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