Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday February 12, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 12, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Feb 12, 1886 Found a note from Mrs. Thurber last night enclosing a card for a box at the Opera tonight for four persons. After breakfast went up and invited Julia Dillon and Miss Tuckerman to go with Marion and me. To the dentists. Raining again. Stopped in at Reichards on my way down and looked at his pictures. Of course I told him to send my two to my studio and I would look them over. I could spent all my time repainting my old pictures. Calvert came over to get a little money I am to lend him. Poor Calvert. He looks worried but is very patient and uncomplaining. Have been painting some branches across Fullers "Yellow Autumn Woods" and I think with good effect. Went to see Mr. Donald about Mrs. Winter. He is very kind and thinks we will be able to get her into Bloomingdale. Took me into the church and showed me what they had done which was quick and in good taste. Went to the American Opera at the Academy of Music with Marion, Miss Tuckerman and Miss Bogart in Julia Dillons place who was ill. Miss Bogart came in a coupe and took the two ladies around and I met them there. It was raining a little. We found our box was one of the best ones in the house. There was a large audience and the performance was most creditable. L' Allemand acted and sang very satisfactorily and the Fallstaff was good. All the accessories were new and fresh and there was an entire absence of shallowness in the surroundings. The Ballet was a marked feature. It poured when we came out but the ladies fortunately had the carriage while I paddled around to the house to let them in.

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