Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday January 19, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 19, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Jan 19, 1886 Awoke late and hurried over to breakfast. When I got down in the entrance hall saw a box directed to me which I knew was from Detroit and supposed of course all my pictures had been returned. It had snowed in the night although the moon was shining when I went to bed. It was raining and a most dismal morning. We were all affected by it and were irritable at breakfast. Immediately after breakfast I hurried off to the dentists. After he had attended to me I walked down to my studio in the rain with no umbrella knowing I could not get into a car at that time in the morning and on such a day. Had my box opened and found they had sent back the two smaller pictures and the frame of the larger one and I now hope they intend to keep that, but as there is no letter I do not know. In my worry about some bills I have to pay I had sent off a note for $450. to Bray to have discounted, which I was most reluctant to do. I have felt badly today and it has been so dark and dismal that I could paint very little. I dont wonder people take their lives in their discouragement such days. I would like to be at home today, it seems so very forlorn here. The streets are in a horrible condition of slush. I spent the evening at Marys but came to my room early because I was most uncomfortably warm. Downing was at dinner. He and Marion were to go to the Charity ball.

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