Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday January 28, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 28, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Jan 28, 1886 It has rained and been dismal all day. I got tickets for Thomas' popular Concert on Tuesday evening next for Sara and me and for Dixies Adonis on Thursday. I tried to get tickets for the Mikado for Wednesday but could not until tomorrow. I came to my room feeling very badly and very discouraged, as I thought of poor old Mrs. Winter and I went up to see Casilear to see what he could propose. He was very kind and sympathetic and will do his share of any thing we undertake. I saw Annie the servant and she says Mrs Winter has lost her mind and imagines she is in the country and wants to go home. J. G. Brown came around later with a subscription paper on which he had subscribed ten dollars and Casilear twenty five. It seemed premature and not sufficiently thought out but I subscribed upon the understanding that this was only for temporary relief and should not interfere with any permanent plan we might undertake. It makes me dread to grow old. Nothing has happened in a long time to so sadden me as this. After dinner Calvert and I went to hear Mrs Richardson lecture but she was ill and could not appear, so we came around to my studio and I showed him my pictures and he smoked a cigar. After he went I wrote to Mrs Custer who has accepted my invitation to lunch with Sara & Mrs Anderson and Miss Nesmith at my studio next Wednesday. She offered me two tickets to the 19th Century Club for Wednesday evening which I declined as I am going to take Sara to the Mikado. The money is going out and none coming in which always puts me into a state of anxiety. Still whats the use? I ought to be accustomed to that by this time.

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