Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday January 4, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 4, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Jan 4, 1886 Rainy. I did a variety of jobs about the house and while Sara went to a "Home" meeting I sat in my fathers room and wrote to Janette. Found at home a nice letter from Susan Chamberlain, and one from Alice. Just before I left this evening Girard brought from the post Office a long and interesting letter from Mr. Sawyer to my father which I read to him. He spoke of the changes they had seen in their life time. The invention of the Steam boat and the Rail Road, then the Telegraph, the Telephone and the sewing machine and he also dwelt upon the change in religious feeling and with satisfaction that the world was growing liberal and all becoming Universalists. I came away with the 7.25 train. It was dark and raining and before we got to the Highlands it fairly poured. The train had to move with caution and we stopped several times. Once a torpedo exploded under the wheels and some of the passengers were pretty well alarmed. I did not reach my room until 11 oclock and found it filled with coal gas the wind driving the gas down chimney and out into the room. I dreaded to go to bed but I opened the windows and closed the stove as well as I could and took the chances. Of course I did not have a good night and my head feels thick today.

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